11 2017,07

- Client Form Vietnam Visited SRON
- Our client form Vietnam visit SRON, we had technological discussion together with our engineer and also visited our factory.
10 2017,07

- Overseas Prject Deliery Maize Storage Silo With Drying Equipment
- The overseas project delivery of the maize silo with drying equipment form Kenya customer.
29 2017,06

- Overseas Project Delivery-2 Sets 500 ton Hopper Silo
- The delivery of hopper silo for oats porcessing plant form our SRON brand of turn-key solution
06 2017,01

- Raw Steel Material Price Analysis
- Steel silo industry is price sensitive on the raw material,raw steel material price change will cause the steel silo and auxiliary equipment price change.
26 2016,11

- Client From Kenya Visited SRON
- 3 clients from Kenya visited SRON during November 22nd and 24th,mainly discuss on hopper silo and grain dryer project.After technical discussion, after visiting the steel silo case, we guided client to the 500ton grain dryer case.
25 2016,11

- Client From Kenya Visited SRON
- 3 clients from Kenya visited SRON during November 22nd and 24th,mainly discuss on hopper silo and grain dryer project.
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